Commissions & Committees
Evangelism & Engagement
Volunteer as an Usher or Greeter
About the "EE" Commission
This commission is about inviting, welcoming, and including people in to the life of the parish. Each Sunday, members of the parish act as Greeters at the church doors to provide a friendly face to churchgoers. They are the folks who wear the big “Ask Me” buttons. So if you need help on a Sunday morning, they are the ones to find. Others serve as Ushers during the service, providing pew bulletins, shepherding the congregation during the service, and giving Welcome Bags to visitors.
This commission is responsible for creating the Welcome Bags as well as Busy Bags for little children to use during the service. Members of the commission make follow-up calls to visitors and help them to become integrated in the life of the parish.
Are you interested in exploring what it means to be an inviting church? Would you like to be more active in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ—which is what evangelism is, after all. We always need Greeters, Ushers, and Newcomer Mentors.
If you feel called to this ministry or you would just like more information, please contact Mthr. Hill at 817-732-1424 or via email at Mthhill@asecfw.org.

Parish Life
The purpose of the Parish Life Commission is to help build and sustain a joyful, loving, and caring community of Christians in this place we know as All Saints’.
Those active in Parish Life feel especially called to assist in the welcoming of newcomers and in the promotion of fellowship among existing members of the parish family.
Food preparation and service are chief among the passions of the creative and hard-working Parish Life volunteers.
Some of the yearly events for Parish Life include a breakfast/lunch served to our hard working volunteers during the fall and spring parish workdays, a lunch provided for our annual parish meeting, and several newcomer coffees given throughout the year for our newest members.
Parish Life gives all the beautiful receptions for the organ recitals offered during the year.
Parish Life is also especially active during the holiday seasons. Easter day is full of activities and the commission sponsors the Easter Hoppening lunch. Parish Life helps with the fun festivities during the Halloween Fall Festival. The commission also participates in the Thanksgiving Feast which provides a Thanksgiving meal first to our shut-ins and then the parish. During the Christmas season Parish Life provides refreshments for those who go Christmas caroling to the parish’s shut-ins, and the commission also provides a lovely reception for our Christmas concert.
Parish Life also extends hospitality to All Saints’ Episcopal School for the kindergartners and their families at a fun reception following a special Matriculation service which takes place at the beginning of the school year. The commission also provides a lovely reception for the school’s seniors and their families after the Baccalaureate service which takes place at school’s year end.
As you can see Parish Life is a very active commission and we welcome you to be a part of this special ministry at All Saints’.
Contact Jerra Lewis at jerra.lewis@gmail.com
Pastoral Care Ministries
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."
- John 15:12

Hospital Visitation
Clergy and trained volunteers make in-hospital visits to parishioners and family members.
Home Bound Visitation
Clergy and trained volunteers visit and provide support to those who are home bound, in nursing homes, or assisted living facilities.
Contact All Saints' at
(817) 732-1424.
Grief Support
A grief support provided by our clergy provides a confidential caring support to those who have recently lost a loved one.
Hospital Follow Up
Volunteers follow up with parishioners or and family members following hospitalization to offer support and determine additional support needs.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a Christ centered caring ministry that matches trained lay ministers with those in need. Personal Support »
Ministry of Prayer
Prayers are offered daily for the requests received. You may offer a prayer request by calling the church, filling out the yellow card during worship, or dropping a request in the designated boxes at church.
Contact: Alma Kleckner
Eucharistic Visitation
Trained Lay Eucharistic Ministers take the Blessed Sacrament to parishioners who are unable to be physically present at a weekly worship service.
Contact: Jane Ferguson
Family Gatherings
Through Family Gatherings small Multi-generational groups are formed that serve as a family unit to provide support and fellowship within the larger church.

Christian Education Commissions
The purpose of the Christian Education Commission is to support and provide counsel, staffing, and direction over the many educational opportunities of the parish. The commission is made up of clergy, staff, lay leadership, Sunday School teachers, and other leaders. It meets the first Wednesday of every month at 5:15 in the Gray House.
Contact Bailey Loewenstein at bailey@asecfw.org.

All Saints' offers many opportunities for all members to continue to grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord. From Sunday School and Wednesday programs for children and adults to youth programs to special events and more, we are sure you will find something to pique your interest.
For more information, please contact Holly Luke at holly@asecfw.org
Christian Education Registration Form (Nursery through Grade 12) »
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for the preparation of vestments, vessels, hosts, and wine for each service on Sunday and during the week. There are a variety of services supported by the Guild including weddings, funerals, and Holy Days such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Great Vigil of Easter. The Altar Guild is comprised of four teams, each of which serves for one week per month and one additional week during the year for months that have a fifth Saturday.
For more information on the Altar Guild, please contact Dabney Shires, Altar Guild Directress, at dabshires@yahoo.com

Altar Flower Guild
The Flower Guild designs and creates the weekly floral arrangements for Sunday worship in both the nave and the Chapel of the Annunciation. During Advent, the Guild does the “greening of the church.” In addition to Sundays, the Guild creates arrangements for special occasions, such as recital receptions, and for funerals, weddings, ordinations, and Holy Days. The Flower Guild is comprised of five teams that serve one week each month.
For more information on the Flower Guild, please contact Caren Rector, Flower Guild Directress, carenrector@gmail.com
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We're delighted that you'd like to become a member of All Saints'
The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. To join the parish, email Mthr. Hill, Assisting Priest, at mthhill@asecfw.org or call her at 817.732.1424
From local to national to international - we have a variety of resources available to you. You will also find all member resources here. And If you're looking for prayer assistance, we have resources for that too!