Member Resources
Member Portal (Omnibus)
As a Member on Omnibus you will be able to:
Update personal information: address, phone, email, family and individual photos
MAKE a financial pledge (NEW)
Pay a pledge
Make a one-time financial contribution
Check your contributions and pledges - even those not made online through the Member Portal (Omnibus)
Have access to the Parish Directory
Have access to members of groups you are a involved in (such as acolytes, Eucharistic ministers, Women of All Saints’, Choir, Altar Guild, etc)
View the Parish Calendar
Useful Links
Church Bylaws
Episcopal Local Links:
Episcopal National Links:
Episcopal International Links:

Need more information? Looking for a Staff Contact number/email? Do you need a priest immediately?
Let us know how we can help today!
We're delighted that you'd like to become a member of All Saints' The Episcopal Episcopal Church in Fort Worth.
To join the parish, email Mthr. Hill, the Priest-In-Charge, at mthhill@asecfw.org or call her at 817.732.1424
All Saints’ parish accepts the call to be a community which enthusiastically celebrates, lives and proclaims by word and example the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
A diverse but traditional parish of over sixteen hundred members.