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Rector Search

Updated: 8 hours ago

The Search for the 7th Rector of All Saints Episcopal Church will commence this fall. The vestry will elect a Search Committee, which will be commissioned on November 10th.


Please submit persons you would like to be considered for inclusion on the Search Committee. Parishioners who populate the committee must meet requirements set forth by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Please only nominate candidates who are willing to have their names be considered, and who meet EDOT’s criteria. Persons completing this form must sign their name on the form for their candidate’s name to be considered.


The deadline for submissions to the Search Committee is October 10.

To submit a nomination for the Search Committee, please complete this Google Form.

To submit a nomination for the Rector Search, please complete this Google Form.

You can access All Saints' Episcopal Church's Vision Statement here, and our Mission Statement here.

The requirements are the Following:

All members of the Search Committee must attend the entirety of the mandatory three hour training session on Sunday November 17 from 12:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. The training will be given by EDOT’s Canon Johnsen, the Diocesan Transition Minister.


Persons who may NOT serve on the Search Committee are the following:

  • The Priest-In-Charge or other clergy

  • A member of the staff or related to any parish staff

  • Family member of anyone on the vestry

  • The partner or spouse of any member of the clergy in the Diocese


The candidates for the Search Committee are required to meet the following requirements:

  • Member in good standing who is faithful in regular attendance at worship

  • Has served in leadership capacities in various ministries of the church

  • Has financially pledged or given regularly to the mission of the church

  • Can collaborate with others in decision making and be part of consensus decision making

  • Has demonstrated mature commitment to the vision, mission, and values of the church

  • Is a person of prayer and faithful living

  • Has demonstrated the wisdom and capacity to hold in confidence sensitive information

  • Must commit to attendance for 2-3 hours at frequent meetings for a period of 6-12 months.

  • Must travel on weekends during this period to prospective candidate’s churches

  • Willing to perform tasks as determined by the committee, including some written work, every person on the Search Committee will be asked to complete tasks regularly

  • Will commit to the work of this group and be accountable for assigned responsibilities


I ask each of you to use this Prayer for The Parish found in the Book of Common Prayer on page 817 during this important time in the life of All Saints Episcopal Church:

Almighty and everliving God, Ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


                - Stephanie Burk,

                  Senior Warden

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