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Easter Music & Flower Donations

Each year we are grateful to receive donations for Easter flowers and music to enhance our worship in this most holy season. Flower and music donations are a beautiful way to honor friends, family, and loved ones, whether far or near, living or deceased. At All Saints’ it is our privilege to remember these persons in prayer and to print the names of these dedications in the Easter service leaflets.

Donations will be accepted through the end of the day on Palm Sunday, April 13, in order to allow time for bulletin preparation and production. A donation of $25 per name is suggested.

Please attach your check to the forms (linked below) and mail or bring it to the church office at 4936 Dexter Avenue no later than Sunday, April 13. You may also send in names using this Google Form.

Please make checks payable to ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH and include “Easter flower/music” in the MEMO Line. Or, you can visit our Give Page and select "Easter Flowers and/or Music."

Additionally, we are in need of Easter egg and candy donations for the Annual Easter Hoppening. Easter eggs and nut-free, non-chocolate candy can be brought to the White House at 4939 Dexter Avenue by April 25.

For questions, please contact Kyle Mankin by email at or by telephone at 817-732-1424.

Thank you for your generosity, and blessings to you and yours this Lent.

Donation Form:

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