Making and Paying a Pledge
Making a Pledge is really making a promise to God that you will be a participant in God’s mission. With our stewardship campaign this year, we pray that we will increase our number of pledgers in our church by 10%.
Your Participation in the stewardship campaign, along with that of your fellow parishioners, will help this church to feed and clothe, to educate and nurture, to comfort and inspire. It will help fulfill God’s mission by making it possible for our church to serve others.
Making YOUR Pledge for 2025: You may pick up a pledge card at church, or complete the online pledge card, and email it to Kyle Mankin, Business Manager, or print it and mail it to the church: All Saints' Episcopal Church, 4936 Dexter Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76107. You can make your pledge online using our Member Portal.
Paying Your Pledge: The church accepts cash, checks, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express), and gifts of stock. You can also text your pledge, or use PayPal to pay your pledge.
You can Schedule Your Pledge Payments through our Member Portal or have the Business Office run your credit card monthly. If you are making a gift of stock, please contact Kyle Mankin at or 817-732-1424 for our broker information.
Easier Ways to Give are Here!
By PayPal
Text ASECFW and AMOUNT to 73256
Donate using your phone!
You may make a text payment for your pledge, as a Thank Offering, or to support our Outreach programs (such as children's feeding ministries).
Here's an example:
To send $50, text ASECFW 50 to 73256
Select Pledge, Thank Offering, or Outreach
If you are an All Saints' member, log in here to make a contribution. Don't have an account? You can create one from this link as well.
Not a member? Non-members can also give through our member portal. Simply click give here.
You can mail checks to our NEW MAILING ADDRESS:
All Saints' Episcopal Church
PO Box 100609
Fort Worth, TX 76185.
You may also use your bank’s Bill Pay to have your bank send checks directly to this NEW address.

Endowment - Mustard Seed Society
The All Saints' Dick Bourland Mustard Seed Society is seeking charter members!
Becoming a member of the newly formed Mustard Seed Society allows you to create a legacy of Gracious Giving at All Saints'. It is as simple as making the Church aware of your intended contributions to the All Saints Endowment Fund. Your committed contribution to our Endowment fund helps our Church maintain its tradition of excellence and advance mission far into the future.
Mustard Seed Society Statement of Intention
Additionally you may choose to support an area of interest within the Endowment that’s most important to you:
Capital Projects
In one of his most familiar parables, Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a mustard seed, “which, when sown upon the ground is the smallest of all the seeds of the earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”
Just as the tiny mustard seed grows into a large plant, planned gifts such as bequests, life income arrangements, gifts of real property and gifts of other appreciated assets can grow into substantial endowment funds that will nourish and sustain our church ministries, facilities, and missions far into the future. So, Mark your place at All Saints by becoming a Charter Member of the, newly formed, Mustard Seed Society.
Request for Intention Form
To let us know of your intention to support All Saints' Endowment, please call or email Kyle Mankin for an Intention Form.
All Saints' The Episcopal Church
4936 Dexter Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76107.
Memorial Contributions
All Saints' Memorial Funds provide opportunities for people to make contributions to the Church in memory of a departed loved one. Unlike operating monies used to pay salaries and utilities, Memorial Funds are spent on making the Church more beautiful and enhancing worship.
Examples of existing memorials in use are chalices, vestments, needlepoint kneelers, and, in special circumstances, entire rooms or buildings on Church Property (e.g., DeWolfe Hall, The Clements-Haddaway House).
Like all gifts, it is tax deductible, and will be used in Service of Our Lord. Memorial contributions are used at the discretion of the Rector. Acknowledgements are always sent to family members of the deceased noting that a gift was given, and by whom. (The amount of gift is never mentioned.)
All The Ways You Can Donate
All Saints' The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth
4936 Dexter Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Make Checks Payable to "All Saints' Episcopal Church"
All Saints' Secure Online Giving »
All Saints' accepts cash, checks, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express), and gifts of stock - contact us for more information, if needed.

Benevolent Funds
A benevolent fund is a fund from which the staff can accomplish ministries not otherwise covered by All Saints' Operating Budget. Clergy often use these funds for grants to people in need, emergency assistance, and special ministries that would not otherwise be able to be performed.
Contributions to such funds make the ministers (Lay and Ordained) who use them more effective in ministry in any number of different ways. Like all gifts, it is tax deductible, and will be used in Service of Our Lord.
End of Year Contributions
Pledges & Contributions: According to IRS regulations, if you wish to have credit in 2024 for your pledge payments and other contributions, you must get your check to the Business Office by December 31, 2024 or in the mail early enough so that it is post-marked by December 31, 2024. For tax purposes, contributions received in 2024 must be credited to 2024. Likewise, contributions made in 2025 will be credited to 2025.
Pre-payment of 2025 pledges: If you would like to pay your 2025 pledge in 2024, be sure to write 2025 PLEDGE on the memo line of your check and get it to the Business Office by Dec. 31, 2024.
Credit Card Payments: You may make donations via credit card by echeck through our Omnibus member portal, or contact Kyle Mankin at in the Business Office by December 20 to make your pledge payment by credit card, current or prepaid in 2024. We accept Discover, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
Gifts of Stock: If you would like to make a gift of stock to the church before year end, please keep in mind that such transactions can take several days to execute. Please notify Kyle Mankin of your intention to make a gift of stock and he will give you the information you need to give your broker.
Please call the Business Office if you have any questions at email Kyle Mankin at

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Let us know how we can help today!
We're delighted that you'd like to become a member of All Saints'
The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. To join the parish, email Mthr. Hill, Assisting Priest, at or call her at 817.732.1424
From local to national to international - we have a variety of resources available to you. You will also find all member resources here. And If you're looking for prayer assistance, we have resources for that too!